Dmitri Toren, Ph.D.

Dmitri Toren
Group: Systems Biology of Aging
Department: Bioinformatics & Structural Biochemistry

Assistant researcher

Research interests: Longevity, Aging, Mitochondrial genetics, Databases for comparative studies


Dmitri is a bioinformatics researcher at the Institute of Biochemistry, focusing on curation for aging-related data, analysis of large screen datasets, dataset annotation and network-based analyses. He also holds a Ph.D. degree in Medical Sciences from the Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. PhD thesis focused on genomic and transcriptomic determinants of longevity. Dmitri’s experience includes both wet-lab work and bioinformatics, with more than 8 years in aging research. M.Sc. research project was devoted to co-regulation of polar mRNA transport and lifespan in budding yeast S. cerevisiae. He has also participated in a number of projects, all related to aging and longevity: (1) Mitochondrial determinants of mammalian longevity; (2) Skin wound healing after surgery in mice of different age and longevity phenotype; (3) curation of longevity databases (GenAge, AnAge and MitoAge). Along with Dmitri’s research activities, he participated in several courses as a teaching assistant and lecturer, giving lectures, supervising, and assisting in practical classes for M.Sc., M.D and PhD students at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and at the School of Practical Engineering at Sapir College in Israel.


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Gerontomics: Multi-omics prediction system for prioritization of gerontological interventions 2016-2021
Acronym: Gerontomics
Project director: Robi Tacutu

Starting 02.09.2016, the Institute of Biochemistry of the Romanian Academy is implementing the project “Multi-omics prediction system for prioritization of gerontological interventions”, co-funded through European Fund for Regional Development, in accordance with the funding contract signed by the Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research. The total funding for the project is 8.524.757,50 lei, of which 8.502.557,50 lei represent non-reimbursable funding. The project’s duration is 48 months.

Gene Transcriptional Signatures in Healthy Ageing and Related Pathologies 2020-2022
Acronym: GeT-SHARP
Budget: 431,900 RON
Project director: Robi Tacutu

The project aims to analyze and compare the age-related transcriptomics signatures in variuos tisues, both in healthy and pathological individuals, in order to identify shared or unique aging signature that drive aging or age-related diseases.

Automated Nematode Screening for Neurodegenerative Diseases 2020-2022
Acronym: ANS-ND
Budget: 600,000 RON
Project director: Robi Tacutu

The project aims to experimentally develop an integrated and automated solution for screening drugs and genetic interventions for neurodegenerative diseases, using the nematode C. elegans and ageing-related data.